A.L. Conner Elementary School students will be recognized for their outstanding efforts in academics, behavior, and citizenship. Pride is taken in each and every student for their contributions in making A.L. Conner Elementary a wonderful place to learn.
The Cougar Pride Awards is a trimester student recognition program designed to recognize students who exemplify the value 3 key character traits selected by the school: responsibility, respect, and self-discipline.
Student progress is recognized monthly through the Accelerated Reader program. Annually, students must learn between three thousand and five thousand new words and independent reading is one way of adding vocabulary to their repertoire aside from class vocabulary lists. AR is part of our progress monitoring of reading comprehension and it allows to progress monitor words read throughout the year. The goal is for students to comprehend 80% to 100% of the content read.
President Awards for
- 5th Grade Students Only
- Academic Excellence
- Academic Achievement
These are awarded annually by the President of the United States for students achieving high scores on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Students are presented with their certificated at the end of year awards assembly in June.
“Literacy is the Key to Success” therefore, Terrific Reader and Terrific Writer awards are given to students to demonstrate strong effort, progress, ability, and love of reading and/or writing.